Walk In the Footsteps of Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Take an afternoon to enjoy beautiful historical downtown Johnstown. Downtown Johnstown marks the birthplace of the Women’s revolution and suffrage movement pioneer- Elizabeth Cady Stanton. In honor of Women’s History Month, it’s a great time to check out the cell phone tour. (https://www.ecstantonhometown.org/)
The tour is narrated by Coline Jenkins, who is the Great Great Granddaughter of Elizabeth Cady Stanton. She narrates the story with such dignity and grace, you might just press a number twice, so you can hear the story again.
The tour starts right on the corner of Market and Main Street in Johnstown, and takes you on a mile tour, allowing you to envision the time when she lived here, went to school here, and brought her ideas of Women’s Equality to life. You call the number 518-406-7081, and from there you will take a journey and walk the footsteps of Elizabeth Cady Stanton.
*Roaming charges may apply, and even though this tour is free, your minutes will be used. You can call the number, listen to the history at the site, then hang up and call back for the next stop.