21st Annual

Adirondack Outdoorsman Show


The show will be geared towards the tastes of Hunters, Fisherman and Outdoors Enthusiasts, with exhibits containing items for sale pertaining to: hunting & fishing gear/supplies, guns, archery, trapping, camping, hiking, snow shoeing, guides & charter services, taxidermy and antique hunting & fishing gear.

Unique event geared towards the tastes of Hunters, Fishermen and Outdoors Enthusiasts, with exhibits & vendors with items for sale pertaining to: hunting & fishing gear/supplies, guns, archery, trapping, camping, hiking, snow shoeing, guides & charter services, taxidermy, custom ADK clothing designs and antique hunting & fishing gear.  Many featured guests & industry experts will be on hand throughout the weekend.

At the Johnstown Moose Club
109 S. Comrie Ave./ Route 30A North
Johnstown, NY 12095

Saturday, February 22nd
10 AM – 6 PM

Sunday, February 23rd
10 AM – 5 PM

For more visit their website at www.adkshow, or follow their Facebook Page “Adirondack Outdoorsman Show.”