I LOVE NY started their Fall Foliage Reports on September 11 and will continue until the end of the foliage season, around the first or second week in November. Fulton County will also continue participation in this annual report.

Gloversville week of October 23-29
Fulton County Report for the Week of October 23-29:
Reporting station: Fulton County Tourism Department, Gloversville
Percent of trees predicted to have changed by the coming weekend: 100%
Brilliance: Dull
Predominating colors: Rust, little orange, little yellow
Rating: Past Peak
This week will likely be the last leaf report for Fulton County in 2013. The weather forecast has some rain, possible snow showers, and high temperatures in the 50s and lows in the 20s. It is time to start thinking WINTER!
Of course for winter tourism to be successful and at its finest with 44 Lakes…44 Choices, we need cold temperatures to freeze our lakes for ice fishing and a lot of snow for snowmobiling, skiing, and snowshoeing. Call for a FREE copy of our snowmobile trails map!