Path Through History Weekends begin this weekend June 1 and 2 and will highlight special programming and the importance of heritage tourism to New York State. Fulton County has many historical and heritage attractions to visit throughout the year. The special events taking place in Fulton County this weekend are:
Anniversary Lecture Series: “In the English Manner: Pattern Books and Georgian Building Traditions in the Colonial Mohawk Valley”
June 01, 11:00am
Johnson Hall State Historic Site, 139 Hall Avenue, Johnstown
For more information please contact: (518) 762-8712
Retired Curator of Art and Architecture with the New York State Museum, Ron Burch will examine the use and influence of architectural theses and books of design published in England and readily available to American colonials in the 18th century. Men of stature, including Sir William Johnson, exhibited substantial “pattern book” influence in their mid-18th century houses. (Public tours available after 1pm.)
The Fonda, Johnstown & Gloversville Railroad & the Growth of the Fulton County Co. Tanning and Glove Industry

Railroad Display at the Fulton County Museum
June 01, 12:00pm
Fulton County Museum, 237 Kingsboro Ave., Gloversville
For more information please contact: (518) 725-2203
Author/Railroad historian Paul Larner will speak on the necessity of a railroad as early as the 1830’s to transport raw leather to the growing number of skin mills located along the creeks of Johnstown and Gloversville. Finally, in 1867 the Fonda, Johnstown & Gloversville (FJ&G) was completed. In 1875 an extension of the railroad was made to the villages of Mayfield and Northville to provide their glove shops with leather. Starting after the American Revolution the cottage industry of tanning and glove making grew due to the abundance of deer skin. This little industry grew making Fulton County “The Glove Capital of the World”. The peak of the prosperity was about 1890. After 1890 the decline of the industry began due to strikes, unions, new laws, tariffs and finally cheaper labor in other countries. Paul grew up in Gloversville in the 1970s and witnessed the decay of the leather industry and the last run of his beloved railroad on November 27, 1984. Larner’s love of the railroad led him to a career with Amtrak. In his book, “Our Railroad”, the History of the Fonda, Johnstown & Gloversville Railroad (1867-1893) tells the story of the earlier days of the railroad in Fulton County this little railroad helped to build. After the lecture, Paul will give a tour of the railroad exhibit, which includes models of the many factories and skin mills located in Fulton County. Tours will also be available of the tanning and glove exhibit.
Johnstown Historical Society and Museum: Path Through History Weekend
June 01 and June 2, 1:00-4:00pm
Johnstown Historical Society and Museum, 17 N. William St., Johnstown
For more information please contact: (518) 736-4011
There will be weaving demonstrations on the original looms in the Loom Room of the Drumm House, a unit of Revolutionary War re-enactors, and guided tours available.
For Path Through History events in Fulton County on June 8 and 9 visit