Beginning on June 11, the Mayfield Historical Society’s Rice Homestead will be open every Wednesday and Saturday from 12- 4pm through Saturday, September 3. Located at 328 Riceville Road in Mayfield, admission is free for the house and garden with a picnic area available.
Opening day is also the annual Strawberry Festival at the Rice Homestead featuring strawberry shortcake, ice cream, and beverages. There will be music by Gary VanSlyke, tours of the home and weaving demonstrations. Donations are $4 for adults and $2 for children under 8 years of age. For additional information call (518)661-5576.
The Mayfield Historical Society will hold its annual Summer Concert and Ice Cream Social on Thursday, July 14, from 6-8 pm. The concert will feature “The Saints Jazz Quintet Plus One” an easy listening swing, Dixieland, and standard ballads band. The price for ice cream, choice of cake, and a beverage will be $3 per adult and $2 for children under 8. Attendees are asked to bring lawn chairs; however, some picnic tables are available.
The Mayfield Historical Society presents the life and adventures of Mayfield’s Civil War Captain David Getman Jr., on Monday, August 15, at 7pm, at the Central Presbyterian Church, North Main Street, Mayfield. Captain Getman enlisted in the Civil War and was commissioned Captain of Company 1, 10th New York Cavalry, on October of 1862. He was wounded and captured in June 1863 and confined in Libby Prison and escaped in February of 1865.
For additional information about Rice Homestead and its events call (518)332-0538.